
Avoiding Burnout with Angela Ceberano

Caroline chats with Angela Ceberano a professionally trained PR consultant and founder of Flourish PR and Marco & Co. Angela is a woman with a wealth of experience and a woman who well and truly knows the way our bodies can burnout when we stretch them too far.

Angela will share the journey of her career, and what has happened to her as she has navigated the road of success whilst trying to find balance and self-care.

Show Notes: Flourish PR

  • www.flourishpr.com/our-people/
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  • www.facebook.com/flourishpublicrelations/ Angela Ceberano
  • www.instagram.com/angelaceberano/?hl=en
  • www.youtube.com/channel/UCAmJdnHwfT_WNIKI7TI0UUg
  • www.linkedin.com/in/angela-ceberano-02a8b831/?originalSubdomain=au Marco & Co https://marcoandco.com.au/
  • www.instagram.com/marcocandles/
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