
Like most things in our life, Mother’s Day looks a little different this year. COVID-19 has meant that we are not travelling to visit family or having a meal at Mum’s favourite restaurant. 

Now I’m mindful that a large percentage of our community are women, and a large percentage of those women are Mums so I wanted to share some ideas with you and hints you can drop to your partner and the kids to make your day this Sunday extra special, even during isolation. 

Rest & Relaxation

COVID-19 has created a whole new set of complications in our lives and Mums’ stress levels may be higher than usual. The juggle of remote learning, life admin and her personal needs can be a lot to manage. This Sunday is a great day to make it a stress-free day for Mum. Kids could schedule a morning routine where they can do quiet activities with Dad or an older sibling while Mum has a bath or practices some home yoga or meditation for a more relaxed morning. Whatever Mum enjoys when treating herself to some self-care whilst the rest of the house treats her some peace and quiet.  

Favourite Treats

We are all cooking and eating a little more whilst in isolation and Mother’s Day should be no different. What is Mum’s favourite meal? Letting Dad or older children know what you’d like on the menu so they can plan the meal with time to purchase the ingredients from the supermarket is a great idea. If cooking is a little tricky with younger kids, Mum’s favourite sweet treat or ice-cream may be a nice touch without the mess in the kitchen. If the kitchen is closed for the day, support your local businesses and organise some takeaway from your favourite restaurant (& check-out their dessert menu).

Put on a show

If you are avoiding the shops but want something extra special for Mum, encouraging the kids to tap into their creative side may be a fun idea. The kids could put on a comedy show, write a poem about the things they love about Mum or set up their own art gallery. Keep it fun and interactive and show Mum how much she means to you.

All of these ideas can be done with a minimal budget whilst sticking to the social distancing rules and are a great way to make Mother’s Day 2020 a positive one to remember.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the special Mumma’s out there x