I’ve had a few people say to me over these last few weeks that I look tired. Now, it’s not the nicest thing to hear but the comment is usually followed with a second comment that goes a little like this ‘oh, you look great but you’ve done so much this year and I can tell that you must be tired or maybe I’m just tired watching you!’.
And yes, I am tired! It’s been a big 2019, but if you are new to our community and wondering what I’m going on about, here’s a recap.
I got stuck into the year in January and had some huge growth in our social media community due to a larger than life client coming on board. We went on to work with this client throughout most of 2019 and even featured on her TV show a few times. Working with another lovely client in February I flew to Brisbane to MC the Let’s Talk Women’s event. March saw the growth of our business as I welcomed Life Assistant Alana to the team.
In April we flexed our social media muscles and did our first big prize giveaway, the winner was based in NSW which really emphasised that we are a business that can service clients nationally. As the weather started to change in May there was no stopping me and I launched my public speaking website cgbmgmt.com.au. This area of our business will be a huge focus for me in 2020 so I can’t wait to share more with you all. We put our foot on the accelerator in June launching our YouTube channel and started to build our video content. I also became the face of Business Victoria which was an honour.
July marked two years in business and we were very excited to celebrate, we strapped ourselves in for a massive PR campaign and were featured in the Herald Sun, interviewed by Dennis Walter on 3AW and in other online publications. In amongst the hectic nature of the month, our business grew a little more and Life Assistant Ruby joined us. August was next level exciting when we were on NATIONAL TV with a piece on Sunrise and Channel 7 news. We also created and launched Weekly Wins our first original product item. September meant lots more PR, especially around Spring Cleaning your Life Admin.
In October, I headed to Cambodia with Project Gen Z but not before sneaking in some more PR with The Today Show & Hit 96.9. November brought an opportunity to work with the Insight Academy to teach young entrepreneurs time management skills. So now, in December I’ve stopped to take a look back, feeling proud for the incredible year that was, and grateful for the community we have built and the opportunities we’ve had.
I say this time and time again, but we wouldn’t be here without you. Thank you for your ongoing support and for being a part of our community.
I can’t wait to see you in 2020!
Caroline X